Blog van littleme

afbeelding van littleme

hallo again, heb jullie nodig!

long time ago.. ben hier al een tijdje niet geweest...
voelde me erg goed.. miste hem wel, maar ach.. he'll be back..

vandaag word ik wakker en heb jullie nodig.. heb gedroomd.. dat hij naar me toe kwam en we had lots of fun. hij had zijn haar afgeknipt.. he said he loved me.. hij knuffelde me, hield me vast, zei dat hij niets met zekeheid kon zeggen of we wel bij elkaar zouden blijven voor altjd, want ja, het leven is raar...

en he said sorry.. "sorry dat ik zo lang ben weggeweest"

dat waren zijn woorden..

miss him so much.. he will come back right?

afbeelding van littleme

nee ben niet schitso.. i just miss him so badly

I've been searchin' the whole darn day for a man of mine...
Someone told me I could find him here, but it seem he disappeared.

Said, I searched the whole darn day, night is drawing nigh...
I think I'd better go home, try tomorrow again.

But when I reached that railroad station,I missed the last train And then it seemed like dewdrops gonna fall on me.

Yes, it seem like teardrops gonna call on me now.

I'd better make up my mind...
What am I gonna do?
Am I gonna rest up here or am I gonna push on through?

My mind say, "Hey, gal, ya hit the road."
Down there I missed the track

afbeelding van littleme

voor jou...

To aggravated you know that I hate it, afraid in need of a change but you always just laid in the same place stay outta my face.
My hatred for you is filled from the core

Gave all i can but still you want more, my soul is sore and were you are here in control I start to lose so clearly

The red in my eyes just wont go away
...Your pretty head I wanna betray
.... I've got my knife I'll try to not leave you here alive and your arms and legs I'm gonna slays them... And after that Imma watch ya die man!!

The day I regret is the day that I met you
And some how I just let you manipulate, instigate... Love and time turned in to hate

afbeelding van littleme

i'm back

ben hier al een tijdje niet geweest... het gaat goed met me.. i'm okay... and i'm even happy..
ik mis hem stiekem nog steeds...

en ik voel dat hij spijt krijgt en aan me denkt... right?

ppff vermoeiend...

hij is morgen jarig.... yup... ga niets van me laten horen.... waarom zou ik?

ben een beetje in de war soms... nog 5 maanden.. dan is hij terug.. het voelt alsof we nog stiekem met een dun draadje verbonden zijn... why? i dunno....

tell me... is there anyone here that can tell me whats gonna happen when he comes back?

........ i wanna know .......

ben ik gek dat het zo'n sterk gevoel is?

afbeelding van littleme

is zo gave me nothing and now it's all i've got....

afbeelding van littleme


excuses and lies i've heared them all before and i've come to realise i can't trust you anymore.

go on and on untill you stay alone forever, know i've tried to help you out, you won't surrender.

never did and never will i get ya, but for what i know you better bend down low.

i think it's clear, right now we are getting nowhere, i've come to times i have to let you go.

you said you share my sorry's and maybe's, but baby i've tried and tried and we're still not satisfied.

you left me here in the cold, alone, without you.
there's no excuse for what you've done. so save your breath and let it rest.

afbeelding van littleme

word niet goed van mezelf

is het raar dat ik hem eigenlijk nog steeds stiekem een beetje mis? mag dat? kan dat? will he regret? i know he will.. i can feel it.. i want him to ache like i ache.. one day...

i dunno... ik voel me soms zo alleen.. snap niet how he could have left me the way he did.. just to make it less painfull for him and ook voor mij.. ik snap hem ook.. aan de ene kant snap ik hem.. maybe i would've done the same.. maybe? well.. eigenlijk for sure als ik eerlijk ben.. of ik had hem meegevraagd.. i still miss him.. still feel like we're not done.. something's gonna happen between the two of us.. dunno what.. but there's something...

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